Audio induced

Now Playing > Def Leppard : Heaven is This has just come round on shuffle. I’m instantly taken back to the late 80s, sitting in my bedroom with my Atari-ST and tinkering with my 50mb  hard drive and boot sector assembler code. Simpler times.

Shopping list complete

I’ve got all the pieces from my shopping list to make my 3D DLP printer now. Based on Matstermind’s Chimera Instructable, I’m giving an old Mitsubishi Projector a new life in what I’m calling my Phoenix DLP Printer. More posts coming soon.

Not forgotten

I’ve not forgotten to post my next Raspberry Pi page, been a bit busy celebrating my birthday. I’m also waiting on the delivery of a video recorder so I can do justice to the Raspberry Pi boot sequence. It’ll all be worth it I’m sure.